Tuesday, August 16, 2011

no fuss picnic

Bud and I have been taking full advantage of the warm summer weather. Our daily routine includes a trip (or two) to the park and a picnic lunch. Oh how we love picnics! We just lay a blanket on the grass, et voila, a picnic! It doesn't have to be a big production really.

Here's my no fuss picnic checklist:

1. Food that doesn't easily spoil. I put it on a paper plate and wrap it with foil so I can dispose right after. Today's play date picnic menu....

2. I always bring cold beverages, fresh fruits, napkins and plastic utensils.

3. A blanket big enough to lay on for storytime after eating.

4. Relax and enjoy every moment. Take mental photos of your little one basking in the sun and running in the grass.

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