What do you think?
One of my very best friends just updated me that she might be joining the workforce again after 3 years of being a stay at home mom. It got me thinking whether or not I would like to go back to work when the opportunity comes. It has been 4 years since I left the corporate world in exchange for a life of domesticated bliss, motherhood and travel.
When I was still single and working I thought that work was my life. I didn’t have any real hobbies other than shopping and eating out. I let my work define who I was. Until the time came when I had to make a decision to leave my job and travel with P to where his work took him. It was quite an adjustment at first. It took me a while to realize that life would be as plain or extraordinary as I make it to be.
My mom would always worry about me being in a foreign country with no family (except for P), no job, and no friends. She also worries that I might become a dull person because I was just a housewife. On the contrary, becoming a housewife opened my eyes to endless possibilities and helped me discover my different passions.
I shed my insecurities and go out of my way to make friends with women of different race and age. I dabble in arts and crafts. I devour books one after another. I attempt to create gastronomic delights in the kitchen. I have been keeping an active lifestyle. At one point, I tried my hand at teaching and writing as a part-time job. I immerse myself in the local culture of every city we live in.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t need to have a full-time corporate job to feel good about myself and have a sense of accomplishment. I already have a great sense of self worth just from making the most of the situation I am in. Maybe when the right opportunity comes then I will consider but for now I am just grateful for my charmed life.
The week after we got back from Dallas, we packed our bags again for a road trip to Chicago to visit my MIL who just flew in from Manila to stay with my SIL. Thankfully the 14-hour roundtrip drive was as comfortable and relaxed as it could possibly be! I would even go as far as saying that I would choose a long drive over a plane ride any day (except of course if we were going home to Manila). Our strategy, time the first leg of the drive with the little boy’s nap so we could cover a long distance without having to worry about entertaining him.
We spent a couple of days with my SIL to catch up and let the kids do some quality bonding. It was my first time in Chicago and so we spent a whole afternoon to see and experience the city on foot. By the end of the day we were all convinced that we walked the distance of a half marathon only to find out that we just covered 8kms! So much for justifying buying a Chicago Dog at every stand we passed by.
Chicago cityscape
The Cloud Gate better known as "the bean"
Bud was in awe with everything his big cousin was doing
It would have been great if we could have stayed in Chicago longer but we had to head home in time for P's flight back to Dallas. Bud and I stayed behind in Minnesota so Bud could catch up on his play classes and weekly home visits from his teachers.
I was a single parent for 4 whole days. It was not as tough as I thought it would be. My days were spent creating stimulating activities for the little boy, making arrangements for our upcoming Las Vegas vacation (to celebrate my upcoming birthday and our 4th wedding anniversary), preparing documents for our visa extension, and trying to accomplish a whole long list of to-dos. The week went by so fast, before I knew it P was back home and I was packing again for our trip back to Dallas. Here I am now, typing away from our hotel room.
Mommy's little helper off to the mailbox to collect our mail
Little helper got tired and rode in the cart on the way back
That about sums up what I’ve been up to the last couple of weeks that I’ve been out of touch.