While I was vacuuming this afternoon a thought occured, "
If you were in a hypothetical world with only 3 stores, what would those three stores be?". Only three stores, really??
Okay, definitely there would be an IKEA. I love Ikea! Lucky for us the Swedish home superstore is only a 20-min drive away. Have I ever mentioned that when we moved to MN over a year ago, all we had was 5 suitcases worth personal items which were mostly winter clothes? The first store we ever went to was Ikea so we could furnish our bare apartment. From our bed to our sofa to our dining table down to our drinking glasses - our home is literally an Ikea showroom. Well, it's not exactly showroom material (
yet) but you get what I mean, right?
a peek at our home that is a perpetual work in progress
My second store would be TARGET. Wait, make that SUPER TARGET so I can get the Roast Chicken for those nights when I'm not in the mood to labor in the kitchen.
Third store is still a toss up between H&M and GAP. But I guess when it comes down to price and variety I would go with H&M. But wait, am I a stay-at-home-mom or working mom in this hypothetical world? Because if I were a working mom I would probably just choose GAP for their corporate chic styles that can take you from day to night. I wouldn't mind paying a little more for better quality either.
There, choosing just three stores wasn't so difficult after all.
What would your three stores be?